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Secondary school “EXPRESS”



AIM: to give children and youth faced not standard living situations an opportunity to get secondary education on the basis of interadaptation – demands of contemporary school education and inquiries, abilities and requirements of students.

MAIN ACTIVITY: teaching students of 5-9, 10-11 forms in a form of external studies. Organization of home schooling.

PEE “Express” is an educational establishment where all opportunities to get secondary education individually for students obtaining classical secondary education in the home schooling (external studies) are created and available.

Practical activities of PEE “Express” nowadays include the following aspects:


  • Constant parents’ monitoring (who want their children to be taught at home);
  • Development of supporting programs for parents who want to teach their children by themselves;
  • Constant correction of educational program for individual teaching without traditional lessons; development of self-educational skills;
  • Monitoring of students’ progress who finished PEE “Express” successfully.
  • This program of individual education has been edited for several times because of some alterations in the content of education, changes in the term “quality of education”, contingent of students.
  • The main educational idea is an idea of cultivating of self-educational skills and teaching students different methods of self-education. The result of this work has been a creation of the program for the elective course “Self-education” with a text-book “self-education: 5 steps” published in PEE “Express” in 2005.



1. Getting an international Certificate of conformity to a State Standard ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2001 (ИСО 9001:2001) № POCC RU.ИС09.К 00600 of a system of quality management.

2. The director of PEE “Express” Olga Vladimirskaya got a Certificate of an expert of the National Prefect “Education”.

3. Olga Vladimirskaya won the 1-st prize in a competition “Business lady of Saint-Petersburg 2007”.

4. Publishing in 2007 of text-books “Self-education: 5 steps” and “Pre-profile education: practice of realization”.

5. PEE was put up in the Register “The best educational establishments of Russia” in 2006.

6. Participation in international and Russian conferences in Breshia (2003) and Rome (2007) – Italy; Mikkeli – Finland.

7. Names of 2 students of PEE “Express” Sarukhanian Benyamin and Pereslegina Elvira were put up in the Encyclopaedia “Children – future of Russia”.



  • Development (improvement) of qualification of teachers dealing with personal-oriented education; working out individual educational programs for students studying at home or self-studying.
  • Development of qualification of teachers and administration staff on actual problems of education.
  • Post-graduate education of teachers: problems of development of a personality
  • Development of qualification of teachers of Russian language from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (former soviet republics) using distant forms of education.



Al educational programs of PEE “Express” have been created in accordance with contemporary requirements to further training and development of qualification of specialists. They have been practically-oriented and were presented and approved at seminars.


All educational programs have been created in accordance with inquires and wishes of listeners. Results of educational activity showed an effectiveness in further teaching.


During the lessons modern technologies and methods are used, elements of distant education and self-education are widely spread.


Teachers of PEE have worked out several programs of development of teachers’ qualification which were presented and approved at seminars in Lithuania and Russia. Lessons are conducted by teachers of senior category who are experienced in teaching Russian language as a foreign language. The teachers worked out education-methodical sets which allow to provide educational activity of listeners and provide them with text-books and supplementary materials for work with students.


· Lectures

· Group practice

· Seminars

· Group consultations

· Individual consultations

· Organization of distant education (system approach)

· Business role-plays

· Organization of self-education

· Colloquiums


  • Science-methodical accompaniment of alterations in educational system.
  • Business Russian.
  • Basis of self-education of schoolchildren.
  • Image of educational establishment as an agreement of participants of educational process.
  • Methodical component of professional competence of teachers.
  • Modern educational technologies.
  • Teachers’ portfolio as pedagogical technology.

ALL ACTIVITIES OF TEACHING STAFF are shown in 26 publications. The list of them in Russian is enclosed.


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